SmarTest Global Pilot Program

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The SmarTest Global Pilot Program aims to reshape drug screening processes across various industries, including forensic and medical treatment fields. This program will assess the potential of our smart oral fluid rapid screening system to optimize workflows and enhance efficiency, while tailoring technical solutions to meet the needs of different countries.

Program Objectives


Enhance Testing Efficiency

To provide frontline users with more efficient drug testing tools, improving the current testing process.


Develop Integrated Solutions

Collaborate with partner organizations to develop integrated testing solutions tailored to the needs of different countries and industries.

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Current Pilots

We are currently collaborating with multiple organizations to actively conduct pilot testing, seeking valuable feedback from frontline users. Our partners include judicial agencies, police departments, rehabilitation institutions, hospitals, and military units in countries such as the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Taiwan, the Philippines, Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, and Vietnam. Collaboration is already underway in Taiwan.

Application Fields

Drug Court

Treatment Facility


Law Enforcement Department


Public Transportation Industry

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Jenny Tzou

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